
the morning after

after leaving the bar last night, i decided i was going to head home. then my friend kari called. i shouldn't have answered. we ended up at some party where i knew a bunch of people, and we all had a grand old time, and continued to have some drinks. next thing i know - it's 0630. normally i have been awake for at least an hour at this point, and i haven't even managed to get to bed yet. so i am currently struggling with a hangover, and don't feel so well. i am supposed to be packing right now, because i am on the road again, first thing tomorrow morning, for two weeks. but i really can't be arsed. i need a hangover cure. anyone of you 3 readers have any suggestions? ps - yes this particular post is more sucky than the others. i blame booze. (the cause of, (and solution to), all of life's problems). pps - the golden pig is my new deity


nobody said...

might be too late, but for the next hangover try one of this:

1. eat something sour - best are Sauerkraut (or drink Sauerkraut Juice), and Gherkins
2. Beer and Tripe soup - classic
3. Cold shower then a good sleep

well, i've never tried non of these, but people say these methods always work. if you try some day, would you share with us, just for statistic ...

Anonymous said...

I say tomato juice and something healthy AND greasy...like a BLT salad with cucumber shredded cheese and a light dressing.

Napping always makes me feel better too. Hangover or otherwise.

tdawnw said...

I knew you were using me for my pig...

maybe...if you're nice...I'll let you pretend it's yours for a day:)

Have a great trip!

b-dot said...
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b-dot said...

@ lazy : i might be convinced one day to try the beer and tripe soup, without the tripe!!

i tried the "hair of the dog" idea before, and then you just end up postponing the hangover for another few hours.

i did manage to just eat some food, and then had a long soak in my bathtub. that seemed to help.

@ sam : it is ALWAYS about the nap! but that salad would be good anytime as well.

@ tdawn : perhaps i could EARN the loan of the trophy sometime?

tdawnw said...

Sure you can earn it...you had better put your thinking cap on though...it's a pretty important pig...I dont just loan it out to anyone:)

tdawnw said...

okay...you've definately earned a visit with the pig...what a great birthday surprise...it made my day:)Thanks so much...tell you what...not only can you have the pig for a week...you can claim you won it...being as competitive as I am, letting you have my all of my pork glory will be tough but I will try:)

sorry I posted this, I dont have your e-mail...thanks again...in answer to your question...yes...I would love to...and I'll bring the pig...

b-dot said...

no worries about posting here, but if you like, you may email me :


glad you liked the card :)

dickcherry said...

i always get cravings for KFC when i'm hung over.