
friends that blog

here's a couple of places that i frequently visit : 1 - http://ronwilkeskrell.blogspot.com/ this blog was put together by a very good friend, (and a couple of others), and i find it to be quite entertaining whenever they manage to post something. always something creative to look at or chime in on. 2 - http://dressingroomwalls.blogspot.com/ this blog was started by another excellent friend, and is a visual storybook of various graffito installations that he has seen while on tour across the planet with random bands. good for a chuckle. by the way, if "cut and paste" is not one of your strengths, you can find the direct links on the left side of your screen. not IMMEDIATELY to the left. up at the top. ish. .


dickcherry said...

oh, i get it... i'm a "very good friend" but the other guy is an "EXCELLENT friend"???

Absolute bastard.

dickcherry said...

just kidding.

keep those posts coming, mate. people wanna know

b-dot said...


to be honest with you, you cheeky prick, i couldn't very well call you both "complete meat-plugs", because somebody might have taken offence.
