

the above picture is from the first snowfall of the year here.......

i wasn't going to leave it so long in between posts, but i actually had a couple of people tell me that they wanted to contribute answers to the quiz from the last post, so i put off posting for a few days to give those lazy bastard a chance to submit - and they REALLY dropped the ball.....

then i installed the new OS on my computer, and was really slow migrating information back over to the main machine, so the remainder of my time has been dedicated to making sure that i do the job properly. a lot more time consuming than i had anticipated. LOTS of data.

plus i have been enjoying a bit of time off. in the last month of work, i have only been home to my bed for THREE nights. brutal.

anyway - here are the answers to the quiz :

1. Boxing.

2. Niagara Falls (The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the millions of gallons of water that rush over it every minute.)

3. Asparagus and rhubarb.

4. Strawberry

5. It grew inside the bottle. (The bottles are placed over pear buds when they are small, and are wired in place on the tree. The bottle is left in place for the entire growing season. When the pears are ripe, they are snipped off at the stems.)

6. Dwarf, dwell and dwindle.

7. Period, comma, colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses.

8. Lettuce

9. Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.

not sure if any of you guys paid attention, but lazy kangaroo was the only one who made an effort..... and did VERY well. perhaps i should give some sort of award to LK for it!!!


i will try and post more frequently - i have some really cool stuff in the vaults, and some awesome ideas for future posts, which SHOULD keep you hanging around for a while longer......



nobody said...

The snow looks very real :)

about the lettuce - could be bought cooked in Bulgaria :) I mean Lettuce Balkan "Dolma", usually stuffed with some freshwater fish, usually trout. Very rare fantastic spring dish!

dickcherry said...

i've sometimes seen trees with bottles on them. and wondered abaout it.... for about 2 seconds.

because i was driving.