
keep still boy, no need for static

Image and video hosting by TinyPic edit : apparently the image above here isn't showing up for some people. you may click here to see it...... i have been away. and have been enjoying life as much as i possibly can, with great success. i have also been away from the internet for quite some time, but apart from not being able to be in touch with clients, i have really not missed the internet. i spend so much time in front of my computer from day to day, creating or manipulating data or images or video, that it was nice to disconnect for a while. (even though i have still been using my computer to give birth). i have MANY things that i have been working on. some good, some bad and some ugly. i will post more soon. i hope. sort of......


more random-ness, and gooder grammar

this video here is fantastic. it shows a bunch of prisoners doing the dance from the michael jackson video. i especially love the "girl" in the video. this next video is from my childhood, and astounded me to see it. yes, it is a bit boring, but the music is cool, and i absolutely LOVED this video as a kid. hope you enjoy both.


just a little something

. i am currently on tour right now until the end of the month, so i haven't really had time to do anything for the blog. i have been working 17 hour days, which doesn't leave time for much else, not even enough time to sleep. so i give you this video i found the online last week. i like it a lot, and hope you get a kick out of it too..........


there are no stupid questions. only stupid people.

sometimes i get astounded by the absolute stupidity of people. the things that come out of people's mouths never ceases to amaze me. like the time that i had a client say something that made absolutely no sense at all. just to give you a bit of background, in my business, we commonly refer to wireless microphones that clip on to your shirt/suit/blouse/lapel/collar as "lavs". so the client says to me "yes we need lavs, because there's a lot of carpeting." and i don't know what one has to do with the other. i really have no idea what they could possibly be trying to say. i simply responded with "then we will get you lavs!". there was another time at work, when the two dumbest questions i have ever been asked, occurred within ten minutes of each other. (my apologies if you have heard me talk about this before). first question was : "does this elevator go up"? i have no idea why they decided to ask me. i was just casually sitting in the hotel lobby, and i don't think that i looked like an employee. the second question was : "can you tell me where the 'SECOND-FLOOR MEETING ROOMS' are?". seriously. there is no way to answer that question without sounding like a jerk. what are some of the dumbest things you have ever heard people say?


self explanatory

above is how my brain feels right now. and below is a tune that i have liked for quite a while. but it is currently in much higher rotation, because of how life is happening. enjoy!

OK Go! - It’s tough to Have a Crush

by the way, if you like this tune, then you can download it by "right-clicking" on the filename above. and if you REALLY like this tune, then you should go buy their album. .


so completely random

i haven't been feeling very creative lately...... i have been losing sleep, because of a girl. (that may be the subject of another post in the future), so i have just spent a lot of time trying to KILL time. while wandering around the internet today, i came across a reference to a cartoon character that i had forgotten about. a character that was created in 1948, and had his own animated show in the 80's, so i looked it up, (as i often do). this is what i found : "The Shmoo first appeared in the strip in August 1948. According to Shmoo legend, the lovable creature laid eggs, gave milk and died of sheer esctasy when looked at with hunger. The Shmoo loved to be eaten and tasted like any food desired. Anything that delighted people delighted a Shmoo. Fry a Shmoo and it came out chicken. Broil it and it came out steak. Shmoo eyes made terrific suspender buttons. The hide of the Shmoo if cut thin made fine leather and if cut thick made the best lumber. Shmoo whiskers made splendid toothpicks. The Shmoo satisfied all the world's wants. You could never run out of Shmoon (plural of Shmoo) because they multiplied at such an incredible rate. The Shmoo believed that the only way to happiness was to bring happiness to others." how completely insane is THAT??????? what kind of twisted bastard can think of those sorts of things? on a slightly related note, i dated a girl who was perfectly described by the last sentence above.........